Welcome to Turtle Creek Farm!
Where farm life meets wild life in a world of educational fun!
Folks are always asking what they can do to help us here at Turtle Creek Farm. We are always in need of the following items for animals:
Small animal cages for bunnies and hamsters
Feeding bowls (metal, ceramic, plastic)
Leashes and collars
Food for cats, hamsters, parakeets, and guinea pigs
Garage sales & flea markets are great places to pick these things up! Thanks!
Please Note! The farm is NOT open daily to the public
2025 Summer Camp:
Camp Sessions are full, but you can still join the wait list!
You will receive a confirmation email from Ms. Lucy if you make it to a session.
One of our favorite books to read with campers is
Roxaboxen by Alice McLerran.
We love it because it encourages children to play outside and use their imagination. One of our favorite campers, Jack Walt, was so inspired by the book that he wrote a story and alphabet poem about Roxaboxen and Turtle Creek Farm. We know you will enjoy his wonderful writing!